Group Leader: MATSUKUMA, Akihiko
@This research is a collaboration between Kyushu University Museum and the Faculties of Science, Agriculture and Social and Cultural Studies.

(1) Positive interaction among researchers will promote joint research projects. During fiscal 2001 and 2003, we visited various museums,
institutions and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Korea. In March 2004, Kyushu University Museum concluded an Agreement for Academic Cooperation with the Research Center for Biology of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

(2) Researchers from institutes throughout the Asia-Pacific region share information on various topics such as reference collections, institution facilities and researchers. Databases have been created, including those of the fossil molluscan specimens and insects stored at Kyushu University.

(3) Establishment of an education and training system for prospective scientists is one of our missions. In 2001 and 2002, we hosted a young researcher from Phuket Marine Biological Center (PMBC) and in 2004 a lecturer from Kasetsart University (KU), both in Thailand, for one or two months. They received training in fundamental molluscan taxonomy and assistance in collecting molluscan literature for their libraries. PMBC and KU are expected
to rapidly become centers for molluscan research in southeast Asia, with excellent libraries, reference collections and malacologists.

Chulalongkorn University Museum, Thailand